
Spool table

A functionnal table from a cable spool...
The wood was in bad shape when I found this electric reel. The entire piece had been exposed to the moisture and was a bit damaged. 
However after a long and hard sanding/painting work/wood treatment coating, I could finally obtain a very great table for my outdoor.
anne charriere vintage, reuse cable spool,
anne charriere vintage, reuse cable spool,


Maria's organizer


Following inspiration after the Carolina's earrings organizer, I did one for Maria adding more hanging options for jewelry. 

www.annecharriere.com, jewelry organizer, craft ideas,

www.annecharriere.com, jewelry organizer, craft ideas,

www.annecharriere.com, jewelry organizer, craft ideas,

www.annecharriere.com, jewelry organizer, craft ideas,

www.annecharriere.com, jewelry organizer, craft ideas,

You will need: 
  • wooden panel
  • empty frame
  • chicken wire
  • fabrics
  • hanger
  • hooks
  • rice paper