Autumn is one of the season I like the most, essentially because of leaf color. A wide range of shades are displayed on nature; especially in cold countries. The leaf color has an interesting process as different tones are progressively changing until the winter arrival.
One of the Northern American native legends (Wyandot, Hurones) explains this natural fact as a result of an animal fight between Deer and Bear in the Land of Sky. The Bear wins the fight and the Deer has to run away but as he runs, the Bear's blood drops from his horns and eventually falls down to the Lower World making the leaves of the trees many colors: some are red, yellow, brown, scarlet and crimson. An awesome legend which reflects native spiritual relationship towards mother nature. In other tribes Autumn is the perfect time for weddings (source: First People).
I had the opportunity to picture a fall foliage last year while I was in the US, on the Canadian border. Leaves were not 100% red or crimson but it was an amazing show! Enjoy...


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